The development of Mi‑Vision as control system for DI-plants allowed for numerous evaluation projects on largescale plants as well as permanent installations in the last years.
These pages provides an insight into the amazing performance of Mi‑Vision with real measurement data in a few handpicked case studies. Most of them already resulted in significant operational improvements and savings for the operators from the test phase.
In the meantime, MionTec is firmly convinced that ion exchange resin desalination is just at the beginning of a revolution, as all the useful and valuable things that we believed to be theoretically feasible two years ago are now available for you to test and implement!
Quality data measurement
In this chapter you will see something we never expected: Measuring silicic acid without a silicometer!
Regenerant control
You will be surprised how well Mi‑Vision can calculate the regenerant quantities and that the unfortunately so widespread double regenerations will only rarely be needed thanks to Mi‑Vision.