• +49-(0)2171-4019-0

It works really well!

One of the essential tasks of the Mi‑Vision system is the prediction of the plant behaviour in order to enable a comparison with the real measurement data, so that the system can automatically detect differences between prediction and actual and use them for tuning to your plant.

Conformity of the predicted curves with the measured curves on the example of the pH values

As a first example, we would like to show you the precision with which Mi‑Vision can predict the pH and conductivity curves and hence determines the breakthroughs of individual resin stages.

Parallelism of the predicted curves with the measured curves on the example of conductivities

The constants for the operating capacities of the individual stages are determined automatically by Mi‑Vision, so that hardly any technical know-how is required for the initial start-up. In addition, the conductivity in the HCO3- breakthrough plateau of the WBA stage (light blue) is used to determine even the degasser leakage by automatically approximating it. Titrations of the residual carbonic acid for monitoring the degasser will thus no longer be necessary in the future.