You will be surprised how well Mi‑Vision can calculate the regenerant quantities and that the unfortunately so widespread double regenerations will only rarely be needed thanks to Mi‑Vision.
No more double regenerations!
Everyone knows it and uses it when the system is acting up: The double regeneration. It may help once in a while. Afterwards, however, everything is usually back to the way it was.
For the sake of fairness, one distinction must be mentioned here: If your problems are very primarily caused by fouling, you should think about improving regular regeneration, e.g. by artificial pause times after chemical dosing (please feel free to contact us). But if, for example, a single event has caused a sudden shutdown after much too short a run, you should read on before arranging a double regeneration.
In our research facility, we deliberately induced a total overrun until the FMA breakthrough after SBA and then observed the following cycles. The question was how the subsequent loading lengths would behave and whether the plant would independently and smoothly return to its usual throughput level. Above all, an important question was of course whether this is possible without double regeneration.

The graph impressively shows the drastic drop in loading rates after this overrun. However, the figure also clearly shows that we were able to get the system back to the design level within approx. 3...4 cycles.
Was an increased or a double regeneration necessary for this, or not?

The picture shows the regenerant offers of these runs in absolute numbers. After the long run on 12 May, a large quantity was offered, which is justified in view of the significantly higher throughput. However, this did not help; the collapse came inevitably.
Then, after the collapse in throughput, we simply wanted to know: We dared to keep the regenerant excess constant and, following the recommendations of Mi‑Vision, we lowered the regenerant amount, instead of increasing it or even doubling it!
The fact that the plant then steadily rose back to normal level with this "normal" RE was the fascinating confirmation of the often-discussed approach of lowering the regenerant amount with shortened cycles. It only depends on how exactly one calculates and implements this! This is "autonomous driving" of the DI line with Mi‑Vision!
Optimisation of regenerant prediction for neutral regenerant
The next example is from a well-running line with very similar consecutive runs. The regenerant quantities were calculated by Mi‑Vision as 716 ±10 liters of acid and 178 ±3 liters of caustic. The quantities used by the operator are shown to the right.
You can see it immediately: The acid fits, the caustic does not. However, this operator has aimed for a neutral regenerate with good intuition in order to make the best possible use of the regenerant quantity. The theoretical recalculation with our design program confirmed his values very accurately. Finally, the green numbers in the figure are not only his well-adjusted quantities, but they are also the quantities calculated by Mi‑Vision using the built-in option for neutral regenerate! And that matched to within one liter!
By a switch click you have thus the choice to get both regenerant quantities alternatively indicated. As you can see, you can rely on Mi‑Vision also in the calculation optimized for neutral regenerate. Exactly this calculation method is the really decisive one for most operators.

These last two examples show impressively that the times of constant regenerant quantities for modern DI plants are probably definitely over and that the clever reaction to problem situations is even controlled by an artificial intelligence in the meantime.
Surely your plant should be able to do the same! The practically measured examples on these pages show you that Mi‑Vision is currently conquering the world of DI plants and that you would be in good company.